A goal without a plan is just a wish
Written by Jon Ross
16 May 2022
Having a plan isn’t an academic exercise that’s simply “nice to have”. It can be the difference between achieving long-term success and stability or facing constant struggle and uncertainty.
Your plan enables you to arrive at your desired destination. And it must be a plan for the years ahead, not just the next one. This will not only set you up more effectively for the future but also provide more and better choices along the way.
Agencies which plan are more successful than agencies that don’t. Research shows that 55% of agencies don’t have a strategic business plan. Having a plan while many of your competitors do not is a powerful competitive advantage.

Planning creates alignment. It turns dreams into a measurable reality.
Planning will improve your agency’s performance both now and long term. It keeps you focused on what’s most important to revenue growth, profitability, and investment. You’ll spend more time (and spend it more productively) on big-picture issues rather than being consumed by the day-to-day.
Planning will help you and your senior team achieve your vision for the agency. Planning creates alignment. It turns dreams into a measurable reality.
Planning will add market value to your agency. It will help you to always be running your business as if you’re going to sell it (whether in two years or twenty). The right plan also makes you think more clearly about your company including how potential investors or buyers would evaluate you.
Planning will provide you with more choices when you decide that it’s time for you to leave. At some stage, agency owners start thinking about their exit plans and alternatives. A well-planned agency will provide more options when you choose to leave, doing so on your own terms and achieving maximum market value.
Planning will help you and your senior team achieve your vision for the agency. Planning creates alignment. It turns dreams into a measurable reality.
Developing a strong strategic plan for your agency.
You should already have a plan for 2022 (and beyond). However, if you don’t, it’s not too late to begin.
The critical factors for driving growth… increasing profitability… and adding market value to your agency in the years to come are: